Mr.P has been on a BMW motor bike safari in the Snowy Mountains, for a week. He arrived home safe and sound tonight. I must admit that I was concerned for his safety this time...totally selfish reasons...were off to UK and Europe next week and
I didn't want him hurt!! Were doing some totally fun things with our grandboys and I didnt want my plans messed up...so far so good! Watch this space........
nice photo! can't wait to hear / see all about this next adventure!!!
Hi! I've been meaning to comment on your blog ever since you left a comment for me 2 months ago (I'm moving a bit slow lately). I was sorry to read that your Mom had died. We lost my grandmother last year around the same time, and the holidays this year were kinda sad--but happy at the same time because of the new life that had come along!
Anyway, have a lovely trip to Europe :) And have fun with your grands.
okay, i'm desperate at this point to hear that you're fine. please update on blog or by email!
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