Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year ~007

"Its so hard to say good bye to yesterday" 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 kaboom!! last years gone and suddenly in one second, its 2007!! Pretty neat! We were on the foreshores of Sydney harbour- with a million other new year revelers. very exciting!!
New Years Day.....sleeping off last year? or just sleeping your life away....I learned that the koala has a piece of cartlage on their back end so they don't get a numb bum! so he's very comfy! Fun to have family come to visit. Gets us out doing touristy things in our own city. We always love the harbour.


. said...

Happy new year to you to dragonfly

Mary-Sue said...

YAY! so glad to see you got to see the fireworks! great photo!

Mary-Sue said...

ooooooh! more updates please! just love reading you!

Anonymous said...

Hi just discovered your blog and enjoyed reading it.
I am home again and getting aclimatized.
Look forward to seeing you in April.
Mary Lou