Thursday, February 26, 2009

Guess Who!?!?!?

Good guess!! Oscar just loved the tiger quilt I made him!

if you click on the get a bigger view!

Monday, February 23, 2009


Family of Four Cedar @ 5 weeks

Katie and Christine came for the weekend.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

master of the baby chinno!!

1st you eat the marshmallows or the little tiny cupcake!
contemplate the cup of soya froth for a while.... take a spoon...

and EAT the froth.

Drink whats left...

and your left with a big chocolate smile!!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Oh...the Joys...

I love being a grandma....grandmas are soft and make a good pillow! Little Cedar was quite comfy!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

my play day...

Scout and I had a little snack in the teepee in the front yard. Beautiful smile! Its hard to catch it on a camera!

....with purpose!

C&B's house with swing hanging from the verandah~new green door!

push me Grandma, push me higher!!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Little Tree update...

Scout Willow...getting more confident in the pool

Cedar and grandma


3 trees!!

Summertime SWR

the best kept little secret!
Mr.P in the shade
Mr. P contemplating!

So who can jump the highest....the beach babes?

or the Go Kart winners?

Sam caught the biggest fish!

me...riding with my hub

then there's the tourists!!
Lots of blue sky and sunshine ~

Monday, February 09, 2009

January fun

Sunset rays
Avoca lake fun
boys day out

a pile of kids

friends and cousins